Commercial sewer line testing and repair requires engineering, planning, and work at a level that sometimes surprises business owners and contractors. Often times, commercial locations have large systems of 4”, 6” and 8” inch pipes within a network underground that requires extensive labor to sort through, locate, and diagnose.
Despite the challenges that comes with commercial sewer line testing and repair, we have the experience and expertise to get the job done. With that said, here are 5 reasons why you should have Pipe Spy on your building site.

1. Our Experience Speeds Up the Process
The first reason you should have us on your building site is because of our 40+ years of experience. Pipe Spy understands what it takes to test and repair commercial property sewer and drain lines. Condition assessments are made and planned out with well-trained professionals to get the work site ready before we even begin the project. This way your commercial sewer line is serviced as quickly as possible.

2. No Commercial Sewer Line is Too Big for Us
Our many years of experience have also allowed us to test and repair commercial sewer lines of various sizes and types. So, if you have a large-sized building drain to test, we’re your crew. In addition, if the testing of your large-sized drain is needed for a time-sensitive situation, such as earning compliance for your commercial property sale, we can leverage our deep-rooted relationships with the issuing authorities in your city to get the job done in a timely fashion.
3. We’re Flexible
If work needs to be done after hours of operation, we can accommodate you. If your building works 24/7 and needs a by-pass pump set-up, call us. We can set up pedestrian safety and overall site safety so the impact of the work is not hurting the company’s bottom line.
4. We’re Convenient
Finding city plans and site location maps for properties within our service area can sometimes be a challenge. When property owners don’t have these details on hand, research and mapping costs may be applied (particularly when companies have more than one parcel number.)
Pipe Spy is unique because our partnership with EBMUD allows us to conveniently identify location details for properties in the Bay Area. This can expedite processes such as HOA Sewer Compliance and eliminate additional costs for companies that have more than one parcel number on a given project site.
5. We Put Safety First

We bring a “safety first” approach to commercial sewer line testing and repair because we are aware of the potential dangers a site could be hiding within the building’s “construction history.” This is especially true with underground utilities. Warehouses and empty lot spaces, for instance, can have multiple systems of varied lines under its paveways that previously serviced all sorts of chemical, bio, and capture functions.
Sometimes the property has a history of known or reported pollution via the sewer line that commercial property owners are unaware of. General contractors are hired to do renovations and upgrades, and the sewer is often the last item considered—even after concrete has been poured and construction has been completed. These hazards, when discovered later in the rennovation process, can increase costs unexpectedly. So, it is in the property owner’s best interest to have the sewer checked out before breaking ground on a project.
If you are a commercial property owner with sewer lines in need of testing and repair, contact Pipe Spy to get service on your sewer line that is unmatched in the San Francisco Bay Area.